
Imagine the possibilities

Evoluir juntos com coragem, transformando tecnologia em Liberdade (“Evolving together with courage, transforming technology into freedom”) is the purpose of TIM, which operates throughout Brazil with telecommunications services, focused on the pillars of innovation, customer experience and agility, based on an internal culture of accountability and aiming the digital transformation.

The company is recognized for leading important market movements since the beginning of its operations in the country and is at the forefront of the digital transformation of society, in line with the brand’s signature: Imagine as possibilidades (“Imagine the possibilities”). It is the leader in 4G coverage in Brazil, present in 100% of municipalities and even connecting the countryside to enable innovation in agribusiness. It was a pioneer in activating 5G networks in the country, with the first tests carried out in 2019. By the end of 2023, 209 cities already had the presence of 5G.

TIM values ​​diversity and promotes an ever more inclusive culture, with a work environment based on respect. The company is committed to the best environmental, social and governance practices (“ESG”) and, therefore, is part of important portfolios on the Brazilian stock exchange, such as the S&P/B3 Brasil ESG, the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2) and the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE), as the operator with most consecutive years – 16 years – in this list. It is also part of B3’s Novo Mercado, recognized as the highest level of corporate governance, and was the first telco company recognized by the Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) with the “Pró-ética” seal and the first operator to obtain certification ISO 37.001.

In addition, another important initiative is the Portas Abertas (“Open Doors”) project, which allows consumers to monitor network enhancement and improvement actions, in addition to get to know the true picture of TIM’s coverage. Also worthy of note are the Instituto TIM (“TIM Institute”) initiatives, which seek to create and maximize strategic resources to make science education and innovation available to everyone in Brazil.

Purpose and values
Purpose Purpose

To evolve together with courage, transforming technology into freedom.

Values Values

Courage to innovate and always think differently.
Respect is taking care of everyone and valuing each one.
Freedom to access what's important to you

Strategic Pillars Strategic Pillars

Customer Care

Consolidated Financial and Operating Data

20151 20161 20171 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Mobile Customer Base (‘000) 66,234 63,418 58,634 55,923 54,447 51,433 52,006 62,485 61,248
TIM’s Market Share in the Mobile Market 25.7% 26.0% 24.8% 24.4% 24.0% 22.0% 20.4% 24.8% 24.0%
TIM Live Customer base (‘000) 232 306 392 467 566 645 685 716 802
Gross income (R$ million) 25,771 22,746 22,611 24,232 25,183 24,346 25,357 28,650 33,492
Capex (R$ million) 4,764 4,502 4,148 3,831 3,853 3,891 4,382² 4,730² 4,504²
Employees 13,062 9,863 9,519 9,661 9,700 9,421 9,337 9,800 9,275

1 Excludes the effects of the adoption of IFRS 9.15 and 16 accounting standards.

² Excludes the effects of 4G and 5G auction licenses.


We are currently controlled by TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A. (“TIM Brasil”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Telecom Italia Finance S.A., which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telecom Itália S.p.A.

We are a holding company established on May 22, 1998 as a result of the corporate reorganization process involving the spin-off of Telecomunicações Brasileiras S.A. – Telebrás. We were incorporated under the corporate name of Tele Celular Sul Participações S.A. and, on August 30th, 2004, this corporate name was changed to TIM Participações S.A., which was later merged into TIM S.A.

We started our operations in Brazil in 1998 and consolidated ourselves as a national company in 2002, making us the first mobile operator to have a presence in all states of Brazil.


May 1998: the Brazilian Government transferred to Tele Celular Sul Participações S.A. (“Tele Celular Sul” or the “Company”) the control of Telepar Celular S.A. (currently TIM Sul S.A), together with Telesc Celular S.A. and CTMR Celular S.A., also transferred to Tele Nordeste Celular Participações S.A., the control of Telpe Celular S.A. (currently TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações S.A., Telepisa Celular S.A., Teleceará Celular S.A., Telern Celular S.A., Telpa Celular S.A., and Telasa Celular S.A.

July 1998: The consortium formed by UGB Participações Ltda (“UGB”) and Bitel Participações S.A. (“Bitel”), acquired the control of the Company from the Brazilian Government, during the privatization process of the Telebrás System.

September 1998: Common and preferred stocks of Tele Celular Sul started being traded at the São Paulo Stock Exchange – Bovespa.

November 1998: The Company’s ADRs started being traded at the New York Stock Exchange – NYSE.

December 1998: UGB sold its stock participation in the Company to Bitel Participações S.A.


March 1999: Above-mentioned sale was effectively approved by Anatel and by the Brazilian Antitrust Body (“Cade”), being the Company, from that date, controlled by Telecom Italia Mobile, a company of the Telecom Italia Group.


November 2002: Subsidiaries were restructured through the exchange of Telesc Celular’s and CTMR Celular’s shares for stocks of Telepar Celular, resulting in a capital increase of Telepar Celular, while Telesc Celular and CTMR Celular became wholly-owned subsidiaries of Telepar Celular, instead of direct subsidiaries of Tele Celular Sul.


July 2003: The subsidiary Telepar Celular S.A. merged the accounting net assets of Telesc Celular S.A. and CTMR Celular S.A.. Additionally, Telepar Celular S.A. had its corporate name changed to TIM Sul S.A. (“TIM Sul”).

September 2003: Bitel merged TIM Brasil S.A. and its corporate name became TIM Brasil Serviços e Participações S.A.


January 2004: subsidiary Telpe Celular S.A. incorporated the net assets of Telasa Celular S.A., Telpa Celular S.A., Telern Celular S.A., Teleceará Celular S.A., and Telepisa Celular S.A.. Additionally, Telpe Celular S.A. had its name changed to TIM Nordeste Telecomunicações S.A. (“TIM Nordeste”).

August 2004: the shareholders of Tele Nordeste Celular (TND) and of Tele Celular Sul (TSU) approved in the General Meeting the incorporation of TND by TSU . Additionally Tele Celular Sul changed its name to TIM Participações S.A.

October 2004: the shares of TIM Participações started to be negotiated at Bovespa, with exchange name TIM PART S.A., with the same tickers of Tele Celular Sul, that is, TCSL3 for ordinary shares and TCSL4 for preferred shares.

October 2004: the ADRs of TIM Participações are negotiated at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) keeping the ticker TSU.


May 2005: Approved the merger of all TIM Sul and TIM Nordeste shares by TIM Participações.


March 2006: TIM Participações incorporated the shares of TIM Celular S.A., (“TIM Celular”), to integrate the operations of the two companies, optimize the financial structure and management of the group, create one of the largest mobile communication companies in Brazil.


August 2009: The acquisition process of Intelig Telecomunicações Ltda. (“Intelig”), through the acquisition of Holdco Participações Ltd. (“Holdco”), was effectively approved by Anatel.

October 2009: TIM Participações approves the proposal for corporate restructuring of its subsidiaries, consisting of the incorporation of TIM Nordeste by TIM Celular.

December 2009: TIM Participações approves the completion of the acquisition process of Holdco, a company that held 100% of Intelig’s share capital, by TIM Participações.


May 2011: Board of Directors of TIM Participações has resolved upon: (1) the Company migration to the Novo Mercado; (2) the proposal of conversion of preferred shares into common shares of the Company at the ratio of 0,8406 newly issued ordinary shares of the Company to each preferred share of the Company (weighted average 60 days prior); and (3) authorize the Company Executive Board to start the negotiations with BM&FBOVESPA, the Brazilian Securities Commissions – CVM in view of the Company’s adhesion to the Regulation of Novo Mercado.

June 2011: It was approved at the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company the migration to the special listing segment called “Novo Mercado” of BM&FBovespa followed by the conversion of the total number of preferred shares into common shares of the Company, in the proportion of 0.8406 newly issued common shares for each preferred share of the Company.

July 2011: The wholly owned subsidiary of TIM Participações, TIM Celular, signed an agreement with Companhia Brasiliana de Energia and AES Elpa S.A. (The AES Group in Brazil) for the purchase of all shares of AES Elpa S.A. in Eletropaulo Telecomunicações Ltda., and 98.3% of the capital of AES Communications Rio de Janeiro S.A. The acquisition was completed on October 31, 2011. With this, Eletropaulo Telecomunicações Ltda. changed its registered name to TIM Fiber SP Ltda., and AES Communications Rio de Janeiro S.A. changed its corporate name to TIM Fiber RJ S.A., both transactions collectively called “TIM Fiber”.

October 2011: Conclusion of the acquisition of Eletropaulo Telecommunications Ltda. and AES Communications Rio de Janeiro S.A. with the Companhia Brasiliana de Energia and closing of public offering of shares in issue of 200,258,368 ordinary shares at a price of R$ 8.60 totaling an amount of R$ 1,722,221,964.80.


October 2012: Completion of the merger of TIM Fiber RJ and TIM Fiber SP into TIM Celular.


July 2013: Instituto TIM creation. The entity has the mission to create and enhance resources and strategies for the democratization of science and innovation, to promote human development in Brazil, with mobile technology among the main enablers.


October 2018: TIM Participações takes another step in its corporate reorganization with the effective incorporation of TIM Celular by TIM S.A. (formerly Intelig).


August 2020: The Board of Directors of TIM Participações S.A. and TIM S.A. approves the merger of TIM Participações S.A. into TIM S.A., and the latter become a company listed on the special listing segment ‘Novo Mercado’ of B3 SA – Brazil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”) and with American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”) traded on the New York Stock Exchange – New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”).


November 2021: TIM S.A. and IHS Fiber Brasil (“IHS”) concluded, after regulatory authorizations by ANATEL and CADE, the transaction for the acquisition, by IHS, of an equity interest in FiberCo Soluções de Infraestrutura S.A. (“FiberCo”), a company formed by TIM, in December 2020, to segregate network assets and provide infrastructure services. As a result, IHS Brasil now holds control of 51% of FiberCo’s share capital, with the remaining 49% held by TIM (non-controlling shareholder). With the conclusion of the acquisition, FiberCo was renamed I-Systems, and began its trajectory as an infrastructure vehicle with the mission of deploying, operating and maintaining last mile infrastructure for broadband access to be offered in the wholesale market, having TIM as an anchor customer.


April 2022: the transaction for the purchase of Oi’s mobile assets was closed, where we acquired spectrum, customers, and contracts for the right to use towers. The Company has stated that it expects to generate approximately BRL 9 to BRL 12 billion in value, already discounting the BRL 7.3 billion in the purchase price. As of May, work on integrating assets began with a focus on three fronts: integration of the mobile network (spectrum, equipment, and sites), migration of customers from Oi’s systems to our systems and decommissioning of overlapping sites.