IR Contact

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Contact TIM S.A. – Investor Relations

The ‘Contact IR’ channel is exclusively destined to the relationship of TIM S.A. with its current and potential investors and/or analysts, attending their requests in a stated period of up to 05 (five) working days, with exception in cases that demand more detailed analyses. Additionally this channel can be used for suggestions aimed to the Board of Directors, these suggestions will be analyzed and addressed to the General Secretary of the Board in order to be appreciated by the body. Other demands will be forward to the responsible areas.

Due to banking secrecy, TIM S.A. is not authorized to inform the shareholding position and dividends balance of its shareholders. This kind of assistance is carried through any agency of the Bradesco Bank in the national territory, by means of identification document, or through your financial institution/broker.

For customer service please click here.


Avenida João Cabral de Melo Neto, 850
North Tower, 12th floor, Room 1212
Barra da Tijuca - 22775-057
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil