
  • Board of Directors
  • Statutory Board of Officers
  • Fiscal Council
  • Committees

Board of Directors

Nicandro Durante Independent Board member Know more
Flavia Maria Bittencourt Independent Board member Know more
Gesner José de Oliveira Filho Independent Board member Know more
Herculano Aníbal Alves Independent Board member Know more
Gigliola Bonino Board member Know more
Claudio Giovanni Ezio Ongaro Board member Know more
Adrian Calaza Board member Know more
Alessandra Michelini Board member Know more
Michele Valensise Board member Know more
Alberto Mario Griselli Board member Know more

The Company is managed by a Board of Directors, a collegiate deliberation body that exercises superior management and is composed of 10 members (4 of whom are independent) with a two-year term, reelection being permitted.

The duties and responsibilities of the members of the Board of Directors are determined by Brazilian law, by the Company’s By-laws and by the Internal Regulations of the Board of Directors. All decisions taken by the Board of Directors are recorded in minutes and in the Book of Minutes of the Board of Directors, filed at the Company’s headquarters.

In accordance with the Novo Mercado regulations, the Company fully complies with the rule that the composition of the Board of Directors is at least 2 independent directors or 20%, whichever is greater. The Independent Director is characterized by:

  • Doesn’t have any ties with the organization, except participation that is not relevant in the capital;
  • Doesn’t being a controlling shareholder, spouse or relative up to the second degree of that, or doesn’t being or not been, in the last three years, bound to a company or entity related to the controlling shareholder (persons linked to educational and / or research institutions are excluded from this restriction);
  • In the last three years, has not been the employee or director of the Company, the controlling shareholder or company controlled by the Company;
  • Doesn’t be a supplier or buyer, direct or indirect, of services and / or products of the Company, in a magnitude that implies loss of independence;
  • Doesn’t being an employee or administrator of a company or entity that is offering or demanding services and / or products to the Company, to a degree that implies loss of independence;
  • Doesn’t be a spouse or relative to second degree of any administrator of the Company;
  • Doesn’t receiving any other remuneration from the Company other than that relating to the position of director (cash proceeds from participation in capital are excluded from this restriction);
  • Also considered independent members, those elected in the form of art. 141, §§ 4 and 5 of the LSA.

The Board of Directors meets ordinarily once a quarter and extraordinarily upon a call made by its Chairman, or by any two Directors, or by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. The Chairman of the Board of Directors may invite any member of the Board of Executive Officers, other officers of the Company, as well as third parties who may contribute opinions or recommendations related to matters to be resolved to attend meetings of the Board. Those invited to attend meetings of the Council shall not have the right to vote.

Statutory Board of Officers

Alberto Mario Griselli Chief Executive Officer and Investor Relations Officer Know more
Andrea Palma Viegas Marques Chief Financial Officer Know more
Bruno Mutzenbecher Gentil Business Support Officer Know more
Mario Girasole Regulatory and Institutional Affairs Officer Know more
Fabiane Reschke Legal Officer Know more
Maria Antonietta Russo Human Resources & Organization Officer Know more

The Statutory Board of Executive Officers is the representative and executive management body of the Company. Composed by 1 CEO and 5 Executive Officers, it is elected by the Board of Directors for a term of two years. All Executive Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors and may be dismissed by the Board at any time. The duties and responsibilities of the members of the Board of Directors are determined by Brazilian law and by the Internal Regulations of the Statutory Board of Directors.

Fiscal Council

Walmir Kessili Council independente member Know more
Elias de Matos Brito Council independente member Know more
Ana Maria Gati Council independente member (Alternate) Know more
Carlos Eduardo do Nascimento Council independente member (Alternate) Know more
Heloisa Belotti Bedicks Council independente member Know more
Anderson dos Santos Amorim Council independente member (Alternate) Know more

The Fiscal Council, which operates on a permanent basis, inspects the acts of the Company’s management and the information to shareholders. It is composed of independent professionals, recognized by the market and who have no other relation to the Company.

Internal Regulation of the Fiscal Council


Advisory Committees

The Board of Directors has four advisory committees, with recommendatory functions, and only composed with members of the Board, which are: Statutory Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Control and Risks Committee and ESG Committee.

The members of the Statutory Audit Committee are:

Name Title Election Date
Gesner José de Oliveira Filho Coordinator March 31, 2023
Flavia Maria Bittencourt Committee member March 31, 2023
Herculano Aníbal Alves Committee member March 31, 2023

The Statutory Audit Committee is a collegiate advisory body, directly linked to the Company’s Board of Directors. This Committee operates on a permanent basis and in accordance with the regulations issued by the regulatory bodies of the capital market. Its competencies and activities are described in the Company’s By-laws and in the Internal Rules of the Statutory Audit Committee .

The Compensation Committee and the Control and Risks Committee are bodies attached to the Board of Directors. The definitions of composition and activities of each Committee are listed in the Internal Rules of the Committees (Portuguese only).

The members of the Compensation Committee are:

Name Title Election Date
Claudio Ongaro Committee member March 31, 2023
Nicandro Durante Committee member March 31, 2023
Michele Valensise Committee member March 31, 2023

The members of the Control and Risks Committee are:

Name Title Election Date
Herculano Aníbal Alves Chairman March 31, 2023
Gesner José de Oliveira Filho Committee member March 31, 2023
Adrian Calaza Committee member March 31, 2023
Gigliola Bonino Committee member July 31, 2023
Michele Valensise Committee member March 31, 2023

The members of the ESG Committee are:

Name Title Election Date
Nicandro Durante Committee member March 31, 2023
Claudio Ongaro Committee member March 31, 2023
Alberto Mario Griselli Committee member March 31, 2023
Gesner José de Oliveira Filho Committee member March 31, 2023
Gigliola Bonino Committee member July 31, 2023

The ESG Committee is a body attached to Board of Directors. The definitions of the Committee’s composition and activities are listed in the Internal Rules of the ESG Committee.

Close Nicandro Durante Independent Board member

Election Date: March 30, 2023

Mr. Durante is a Brazilian and Italian citizen, born in September 1956, with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration issued by Pontifical Catholic University (Pontifícia Universidade Católica), Brazil. With almost forty years of experience in the tobacco industry, since 2011 Mr. Durante has served as Chief Executive Officer at British American Tobacco, where he has held several top management positions during the past decades, including Corporate Chief Financial Officer, Regional Director, Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Durante is non-executive Director and Senior Independent Director at Reckitt Benckiser, a leading company in the health and care industry, and Chairman of TIM S.A. Board of Directors and of the Compensation Committee.

Close Flavia Maria Bittencourt Independent Board member

Election Date: March 30, 2023

Mrs. Bittencourt holds a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from UFRJ, an Executive MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral and other certificates from London Business School and INSEAD. Mrs. Bittencourt has a vast professional experience in different roles and industries, such as 8 years in Banking, 10 years in Telecom, and 3 years in Private Equity. Starting in 2013, she was the CEO for Sephora Latin America, and, since May 2019, she is the CEO of Adidas Brazil. Until 2019, she was an independent board member of Marisa Lojas S.A. Mrs. Bittencourt has been an independent member of TIM  S.A.’s Board of Directors and Statutory Audit Committee since July 2019.

Close Gesner José de Oliveira Filho Independent Board member

Election Date: March 30, 2023

Mr. Oliveira is a partner of GO Associados and Professor of Economics at Getulio Vargas Foundation. He has been certified as an independent board member by IBGC (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance). His expertise includes public and private entities. At present, he is a member of TIM S.A. Board of Directors and of its advisory committees, namely, the Statutory Audit Committee, as its Coordinator, and of the Control and Risks Committee. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Braskem, Iguá Saneamento S.A. and Estre Ambiental, as well as a member of the Self-Regulation Council of FEBRABAN. His past experience in Boards included being a member of the Board of Usiminas, Sabesp, CESP, Nossa Caixa and Varig. In addition, Mr. Gesner is a member of the Board of Administration of Iguá Sustainability Institute, and CIEE, nonprofitable institutions. His previous positions include being the CEO of Sabesp – Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo (2007-11), one of the largest water companies in the world; President of CADE, the federal antitrust authority (1996-2000); Deputy Secretary for Economic Policy (1993-95) and Secretary for Economic Monitoring (1995), both at the Ministry of Finance. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of California (Berkeley), his Master’s degree from the University of Campinas and Bachelor’s degree from the University of São Paulo. He has worked as a private consultant since the 1990s and published several books and articles in national and international journals. His work has focused on competition policy, macroeconomics and infrastructure which are related with his experience at CADE, Ministry of Finance and Sabesp, respectively.

Close Herculano Aníbal Alves Independent Board member

Election Date: March 30, 2023

Mr. Alves has developed his professional career in the financial market and has acted as an executive in companies of the Bradesco Group, ABN AMRO Bank, Unibanco and Banco Bozzano Simonsen. He is currently a member of the Fiscal Councils of Cielo, Grendene, and of the Board of Directors and of the Financial and Risks Committee of Marfrig. He is also a Board member of TIM  S.A. and of its advisory committees, namely, the Statutory Audit Committee(as Financial Expert) and the Control and Risks Committee. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from PUCSP and a master’s degree from the School of Business Administration of São Paulo at Fundação Getulio Vargas (EAESP/FGV), with an extension course at Kellogg. His academic training also includes executive education in Risk, Compliance and Governance by the Risk University of KPMG.

Close Gigliola Bonino Board member

Election Date: July 30, 2023

She graduated with a degree in Business and Economics in 1989, subsequently qualifying to practice as a Chartered Accountant (State Exam) and joining the professional Register. She is also an Auditor listed in the Register of Auditors.

In the period immediately after graduating, she worked at financial institutions and industrial companies as a Financial Analyst and Industrial Controller.

She joined the TIM Group in 1990.  In December 2021 she was made Head of the “Financial Reporting, Accounting & Revenue Assurance” Department of TIM S.p.A. and the TIM Group. Within the TIM Group, she has held the position of Head of TIM S.p.A. Financial Statements and Group Consolidated Financial Statements and, previously, Head of the Consolidation Process in the context of Planning and Control. Between 2019 and 2021 she was Deputy CEO and Director of TIMFin, contributing to the launch of the start-up.

Throughout her career, she has gained experience in the application of the IFRS international accounting standards in structured contexts, with a particular focus on the management of extraordinary corporate transactions, managing and coordinating the related aspects of accounting, financial reporting & disclosure, as well as prospectuses; in process management for Group goodwill impairment testing; in the coordination of developments in IT and supporting accounting systems; in the analysis and management of the simplification of accounting and administrative processes and procedures.

She is currently Chair of the Board of Directors of TIM Retail. In the past, she has been Director of INWIT S.p.A., of Daphne3, of the holding TIM Brasil, and of Telecom Italia Finance – Luxembourg. She was an Auditor at ASSIDA (association for complementary medical care for the executives of the Telecom Italia Group companies).

Close Claudio Giovanni Ezio Ongaro Board member

Election Date: March 30, 2023

Mr. Ongaro is an Italian citizen, born in Milan, Italy, with a University Degree in Electronic Engineering issued in 1993  by Politecnico di Milano, Milan Italy. Mr. Ongaro  carried out his career in the telecommunications sector, holding managerial roles both in Italy and abroad, mainly in the United Kingdom, South America, Greece and the Middle East. In particular, he began his career in 1995 in Omnitel Pronto Italia by participating in the start-up of the Company with roles of increasing responsibility within the network. After an experience in the infrastructure services market, in 2003 he worked in Cable & Wireless as Group Technical Director of Mobile and, subsequently, as Senior Director of Strategy. In 2007 he joined the Orascom Group, initially in the wireless broadband field and later in the subsidiary Wind Hellas as Chief Strategy Officer and Chief of Fixed Business. From 2010 he worked in Wind Telecomunicazioni as Head of Strategy and M&A and subsequently, following the merger with H3G in 2016, in WindTre as CEO Office Director, responsible for coordinating the company’s main strategic projects. He joined TIM Group in 2019. On December 2021, he was appointed Chief Strategy & Business Development Office at TIM S.p.A., whilst maintaining his previous responsibility as Head of Wholesale Market.

Close Adrian Calaza Board member

Election Date: March 30, 2023

Adrian Calaza. Mr. Calaza is an Argentine citizen, graduated in business administration from the University of Belgrano and holds an MBA in Management and Business Administration from the University of CEMA. With extensive experience in the telecommunications industry, Mr. Calaza was elected Chief Financial Officer of Telecom Italia S.p.A. on March 1st, 2022. Before that, he held the position of Chief Financial Officer at ARCOR Group since August 2021 and, since September 2016, of Chief Financial Officer at  TIM Participações (currently TIM S.A.). Before that, he served as Chief Financial Officer in Telecom Argentina from 2009 to 2016, where he also was Corporate Administrative Services Manager from 2007 to 2009. Previously, Mr. Calaza held various executive roles, including Capital Expenditures and Control Manager at TIM Participações from 2006 to 2007, Chief Financial Officer at Telecom América Latina S.A. from 2004 to 2005 and Chief Financial Officer in Entel S.A. from 2000 to 2004. Mr. Calaza joined the Telecom Italia Group in January, 1999, where he held various positions, including Chief Financial Officer of Entel S.A., in Bolivia, a subsidiary of the Telecom Italia Group and Corporate Chief Financial Officer of Telecom América Latina S.A. in Brazil.

Close Alessandra Michelini Board member

Election Date: September 17, 2024

Alessandra Michelini is an Italian citizen, born in Terni, Italy. She has a Master in Business Administration from Politecnico di Milano and a Master in Management in Management from The European House Ambrosetti, after obtaining a master degree in Electronic Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Perugia. Since April 2022, she has been Chief Transformation Officer at TIM, where she is responsible for the implementation of corporate transformation and critical process review initiatives, in line with the company’s strategy and positioning. From November 2023 to July 2024, she has also been responsible for the implementation of the NetCo carve-out, coordinating and ensuring the finalization of all delayering activities. Between January 2018 and March 2022, as Vice President, she held various positions within the Procurement, Revenue Office (as Head of Business Operations and Governance) and Enterprise Market functions (with a focus on the Governance & Channel Development and Sales Manufacturing Industry areas). Between January 2016 and December 2017, she held the role of Chief of Staff, first of the President and then of the CEO, also having direct responsibility for Digital Transformation projects. In 2004, after an initial experience in Accenture, she began her career in Telecom Italia where she held roles with increasing responsibility within the Network function, until becoming the head of the Technology Plan and the Development Plan in March 2014. She is a also member of the Boards of Directors of Polo Strategico Nazionale S.p.A. (since August 2022), and of TIM Retail S.r.l. (since January 2021).

Close Michele Valensise Board member

Election Date: March 30, 2023

Mr. Valensise, Italian citizen, born in Polistena, Italy, with a degree in Law by University of Rome – La Sapienza. After various assignments at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and abroad (Brazil, Germany, Lebanon, European Union), he was appointed Head of the Press Service, Spokesman and Chief of Staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was assigned as Italian Ambassador to Sarajevo, Brasilia and Berlin. From 2012 to 2016 he was Secretary-General of the Farnesina. He has been Vice Chairman of Astaldi S.p.A., leading company of the infrastructure sector, until July 2020. Currently he is member of the Board of Directors of Astaldi S.p.A. Since 2017 he is Chairman of the German-Italian Centre for the European Dialogue (Villa Vigoni) holding a close relationship with Germany. He is an editorialist of the Italian newspaper “La Stampa” and of “Huffington Post”. From May 2018 to March 2021 he was member of the Board of Directors and member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and of the Control and Risk Committee of Telecom Italia S.p.A and he is currently member of the Board of Directors and of the Control and Risks Committee and Compensation Committee of TIM S.A.

Close Alberto Mario Griselli Board member

Election Date: March 30, 2023

Mr. Griselli holds a degree in Electronic Engineering from La Sapienza University in Rome and an FMBA from Columbia University. With more than 20-year experience in the telecom sector, he held relevant positions such as Vice President for LatAm at TIMwe, a global provider of mobile engagement solutions for telecommunication operators, and Managing Director for Brazil at Value Partners, a management consulting firm. Across his professional career, Mr. Griselli worked in several topics material to companies’ performance, with projects ranging from strategic planning to customer segmentation, value proposition definition, offer design, pricing and promotions, go-to-market approach and customer experience. Mr. Griselli took office as Chief Revenue Officer of TIM Participações S.A. and TIM S.A. on July 30, 2019.

Close Alberto Mario Griselli Chief Executive Officer and Investor Relations Officer

Election Date: January 31, 2022

Mr. Griselli holds a degree in Electronic Engineering from La Sapienza University in Rome and an FMBA from Columbia University. With more than 20-year experience in the telecom sector, he held relevant positions such as Vice President for LatAm at TIMwe, a global provider of mobile engagement solutions for telecommunication operators, and Managing Director for Brazil at Value Partners, a management consulting firm. Across his professional career, Mr. Griselli worked in several topics material to companies’ performance, with projects ranging from strategic planning to customer segmentation, value proposition definition, offer design, pricing and promotions, go-to-market approach and customer experience. Mr. Griselli took office as Chief Revenue Officer of TIM Participações S.A. and TIM S.A. on July 30, 2019 and, took office as Investor Relations Officer on February 27, 2023.

Close Andrea Palma Viegas Marques Chief Financial Officer

Election Date: February 27, 2023

Andre Palma Viegas Marques has a degree in Business Administration from Cândido Mendes University, and a Master Bussiness Administration from Ibmec and to the present date has held the position of Executive Director of Planning and Control at the Company. Ms. Viegas has more than 20 years in the telecommunications sector, being 17 years in the TIM Group, performing different functions in the financial, marketing and technology areas. Throughout her career she has also worked in the Oil &Gas industry, Audit and Human Resources sectors.

Close Bruno Mutzenbecher Gentil Business Support Officer

Election Date: April 14, 2020
Mr. Gentil holds a degree in Business Administration and has been the Business Supply Officer (former Purchasing & Supply Chain Officer) at TIM S.A. since February 2018. From 2016 to 2017, Mr. Gentil served as Executive Vice President of Corporate Resources at Telefônica Brasil S.A., where he also held the position of Executive Vice President of Strategy and Consolidation between 2015 and 2016. Previously, from 2013 to 2015, Mr. Gentil served as Executive Vice-President of Finance at GVT – Global Village Telecom S.A., where he also held the position Vice President of Controller in the period from 2006 to 2013.

Close Mario Girasole Regulatory and Institutional Affairs Officer

Election Date: April 14, 2020
Mr. Girasole has a Laurea Magistralis in Economics from University LUISS (Rome). He also has an LL.M. in International Business Law (London), post graduate MA in Competition Policy, in International Commerce and Modern Economic History, and executive education at London Business School (Finance), Harvard School of Government, Columbia Business School (Advanced Management Program) and INSEAD (International Directors Programme and Advanced Corporate Finance). He joined TIM in 1997, for the regulatory and pricing area, in Rome. From 2000 to 2003, he headed, in Brussels, the TIM Group relations with the institutions of the European Union, and was appointed to the position of Deputy-Chairman of the European Mobile Sector (GSM Europe). Starting from 2004, he was Head of Public and Regulatory Affairs at Telecom Italia America Latina and at TIM Brasil. During this period, he worked also as Director of Entel Bolivia and Alternate Director of TIM S.A. Mr. Girasole is the Regulatory and Institutional Affairs Officer of the Company since January 2009 and since 2012, he runs also the Press Relations and the Corporate Social Responsibility departments. He is also member of the Boards and Councils of national and international entities, including SindiTelebrasil, GSM Latin America, Italo-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and the Brazilian Institute for Competition Studies (Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos da Concorrência), or IBRAC. Mr. Girasole was awarded as Knight (2014) and Officer (2018) of the Order of the Star of Italy by the President of the Italian Republic “for promoting friendly relations and co-operation with other countries and ties with Italy.” In Brazil, he was awarded the Peacemaker Medal and the Medal of the Army by the Ministry of Defense (2018).

Close Fabiane Reschke Legal Officer

Election Date: October 17, 2022

Ms. Fabiane Reschke, Brazilian citizen born in Veranópolis, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with a university degree in Law issued in 1993 by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. Has over 20 years of experience in managing legal departments, 3 years of experience in the broadcasting industry, 13 years of experience in telecommunications and 8 years of experience in the insurance industry. From 1997 to 2000, lawyer at Grupo RBS de Comunicações. Between 2000 and 2007, Legal Director of Terra Networks Brasil S.A, the Internet access provider of the Telefonica Group. Between 2008 and 2011, Legal Director of Telefónica Brasil S.A and Vivo S.A. Between 2011 and 2013, Legal Director of SulAmérica S.A. From 2013 to 2015, Chief Executive Officer of the Presidency Cabinet of Telefónica S.A, and from 2016 to 2022, Legal and Institutional and Governmental Relations Director of SulAmérica S.A.

Close Maria Antonietta Russo Human Resources & Organization Officer

Election Date: May 05, 2021
Maria Antonietta Russo is Italian, graduated in Work and Organization Psychology, Human Resources Management at Sapienza University of Rome and has a Master’s Degree in Work and Organization Psychology, Human Resources Management at the Roman School of Work and Organizational Psychology. Ms. Russo held several executive positions, including Head of Regional Human Resources from 2018 to 2019, Head of People Development and Education 2016 to 2018 and Senior Director of People Development and New Skills from 2014 to 2016 at TIM Italy.

Close Walmir Kessili Council independente member

Election Date: March 28, 2024
Walmir Kesseli holds a degree in Economics and has held the position of Chairman of the Fiscal Council at TIM Participações since 2017 and President of the non-profit Working for Africa since 2013. Since 2011 Mr. Kesseli has been a voluntary consultant for the non-profit organization Mission to the interior of Africa – MIAF and since 2016 as secretary of the Board of Directors at the Integral Development Center Recanto Esperança.

Close Elias de Matos Brito Council independente member

Election Date: March 28, 2024

Elias de Matos Brito, Graduated in Accounting Sciences, he was elected an effective member of tim’s Fiscal Council for the terms between 2018 and 2021. Currently, he is an effective member of the Board of Directors of USIMINAS S.A., member of the Advisory Board and Coordinator of the Audit Committee of Dislub Ecuador S.A., chairman of the Fiscal Council of Companies Petro Rio S.A. and Gafisa S.A., member of the Fiscal Council of Profarma S.A., Companhia de Seguros Aliança da Bahia S.A. and Companhia de Participações Aliança da Bahia,  in addition to acting as Coordinator of the Audit Committee of Casas Pernambucanas. Mr. Elias is also a founding partner of Exact Assessoria Contábil Ltda.

Close Ana Maria Gati Council independente member (Alternate)

Election Date: March 28, 2024

Ms. Ana Gati is a certified board member (IBGC) and Qualified Risk Director (QRD) with board experience in different sectors and capital. She has extensive experience in general industries, among other businesses, having worked for the following companies: Mckinsey & Company, Kearney, Avon and Mars, as well as Gati Consultoria. Ms. Gati is an experienced C-Level Executive in the end-to-end chain of production/supply chain/supplies & innovation, general industries and other businesses. She also has experience in the retail, direct sales and other sales channels, as well as experience in Brazil and abroad, living and working in many different places. Currently, she is a member of the Board of Directors of Pérola Company, a private company for bonded storage of fertilizers at the Port of Santos, constituted by companies Nutrien of Canada, Ultrabulk of Denmark and Eurobrás of Brazil, since February 2020; Advisory Board Member at Aliança Metalúrgica and Coordinator of the Innovation Committee, since January 2022; Alternate Board Member at Neoenergia,  since April 2022; and Advisory Board Member at Hidrolight, since January 2023.  Additionally, Ms. Ana Gati is the founder of Gati Management and Governance Consulting, an affiliate of the Shingo Institute in Brazil, which aims at Transformation for Business Excellence (processes, people, organization, culture, routines, digital) with an impact on efficiency, change management and continuous improvement.

Close Carlos Eduardo do Nascimento Council independente member (Alternate)

Election Date: March 28, 2024

Close Heloisa Belotti Bedicks Council independente member

Election Date: March 28, 2024
Among the main professional experiences during the last five (5) years, Ms. Heloisa Belotti Bedicks is a member of the Board of Directors of the Mapfre Group, serves as a member of the Fiscal Council of Vale S.A. and serves as a member of the Audit Committees of Brasilseg Companhia de Seguros, Nuclea (CIP S.A.) and Companhia de Gás de Minas Gerais (Gasmig). On a voluntary basis, she acts as a member of the Fiscal Councils of the Boticário Foundation and the UN Global Compact and is a member of the Deliberative Council of the NGO – Open Doors in Brazil. For two consecutive terms, she was Deputy Chairman of GNDI – Global Network of Director Institute until January 2020. She was a member of the Board of Directors of BNDES, BNDESpar and FINAME for 3 years until January 2023, as well as its People, Eligibility, Compensation and Succession Committee, the Social, Environmental and Climate Change Responsibility Committee and also its Audit Committee. Between 2020 and 2022, she served as a member of the Fiscal Council of Braskem S.A., of the Association of Supporters of the Mergers and Acquisitions Committee – ACAF (B3, Anbima and IBGC), as a member of the Board of MAPFRE Seguradora de Garantia e Crédito S.A., of the Advisory Board of the Ethical Fund of ABN AMRO Asset Management, of the Center for Sustainability Studies of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation and of the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) of BMF&Bovespa. She served as an advisory board member at the family companies Tecelagem de Fitas Progresso Ltda. and PH Fit – Fitas e Inovação Têxteis Ltda., she was also a Board Member of the ICGN – International Corporate Governance Network and President of ICGLA – Network of Corporate Governance Institutes of Latin America.

Close Anderson dos Santos Amorim Council independente member (Alternate)

Election Date: March 28, 2024

Graduated in Accounting Sciences from the Plinio Leite University Center, Mr. Anderson Amorim has been a partner in Exact Accounting Advisory since 2009, where he serves as an expert of the arbitral tribunal and technical assistant. Additionally, he acts as a business consultant in the financial, capital markets, corporate and tax areas. Between April 2020 and March 2021 he was elected an alternate member of tim’s Fiscal Council, and is currently a full member of the Statutory Audit Committee of Petro Rio S.A.